Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Case Study on E Government

Case Study on E-Government

The Electronic Filing System (or EFS) is the Singapore Judiciary's electronic platform for filing and service of documents within the litigation process. In addition, it provides the registries of the Supreme Court and the Subordinate Courts with an electronic registry and workflow system; and an electronic case file. Recent enhancements have added a module which facilitates the conduct of hearing using documents that have been electronically filed.

The EFS provides the legal profession with a rudimentary online case file from which documents can be electronically filed with the courts or served on the other parties in a case. The EFS is also the source for electronic cause book searches that are provided through the Litigation module of LawNet.

The Electronic Filing System (EFS) was implemented by the Singapore Judiciary to provide a platform for Law Firms (LFs) to file documents to the Courts electronically over the Internet. The EFS was specifically designed to fully exploit the electronic super highway to minimise not just the physical movement of people and paper court documents from LFs to the Courts, but also to leverage the benefits of electronic storage within the Courts: ie faster document filing and retrieval, eradication of the misplacement of case files, concurrent access to view the same case filed by different parties, etc.

Within the Courts, the EFS allows electronic documents to be automatically routed to the appropriate registry staff for processing. The system allows further routing within the courts e.g. for approvals by the Duty Registrar and a reply is then sent out by the Registry staff which is routed back to the originating LF. This has enabled realisations of improvements in efficiency by minimising paper flow to shorten case processing time. Fees payable by the LFs for filing documents to Court are deducted automatically by the EFS. The whole process is fast, convenient and efficient.

For the LFs, the EFS provides an electronic case file showing hearing dates and documents file by them, served on them or received from the Courts. It also provides an electronic platform for the service of documents on other LFs. The EFS also allows for faster response as well as accurate and up-to-date information. Hence, other benefits of the EFS include the speedy inspection of documents electronically and the ability to request for and receive electronic extracts of documents via the Internet. Electronic cause book searches and legal research are also available through LawNet. Lawyers can even obtain details of hearing fixtures via Short Messaging System (SMS) using their mobile phones.

Within the court room, registrars make use of the EFS to conduct hearings in chambers electronically using the EFS.


Unknown said...

I appreciate the time and energy you have spent in putting this article together.
Thank you very much

Linda said...

You have got good collection of articles i enjoying them and it only says one thing that you’re very good in your work and ambitions.

Anonymous said...

Electronic filing system is really a good development to help the law firms. It should be introduced to other industries as well. You really worked hard to gather information on EFS to careate an article and sharing it with us.